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Flawed parking at Stirling Sheriff Court

We are in Support of the Planning Application for an electrical charge point at Stirling Sheriff Court but highlighted the flawed parking issues there:

1. Off-street Accessible Parking Bays – They are incorrectly orientated, being the reverse of the correct marking despite the Building Standards on correct layout from a footway not being changed in over 10 years.

2. Location of Accessible Parking Bays – The two bays are located in a parking area opposite the front of the Court Building. A safe route to the Court entrance is required, without having to cross a road. The two spaces closest to the accessible entrance to the Court building should be developed and marked as accessible bays and the footway should be lowered in this area to allow wheelchair users easy access.

It's hoped that the Scottish Courts will set an example, and rectify the current incorrect “accessible” parking. This would ensure that people with disabilities are safe and confident in attendance at the Court, without being put in an unsafe position which is disadvantageous to them.

We recently learned that the architect has acted on our advice by moving one of the two accessible parking bays from the far side of the parking area, to the immediate front of the court building, which is next to the ramp of the accessible entrance. This improvement of relocating the accessible parking bay reduces the distance to the entrance, and is also out of the way of traffic. The new bay will also have an electric charger for battery electric vehicles. A small but positive outcome for people visiting court.

Regretfully, the above comment ( in blue ), although made in good faith, following advice from the Scottish Courts is incorrect: there is still not a designated disabled parking place at the Court. Despite contacting the Courts' Offices in Edinburgh and also Stirling Council, no remedial work has been carried out, and currently they are costing the necessary works with contractors. Meantime, the Scottish Courts "reasonable adjustment " is that anyone needing an accessible space should contact the Sheriff Clerk in advance of going there, so that a space might then be allocated to them in the parking area at the Court, or that they should use public parking which is at a distance beyond the maximum of 55 metres recommended by Building Standards. We will continue to regularly monitor this and continue contacting the authorities, until this discriminatory situation is resolved.


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