Children's Indoor Play Facility at 33 Burghmuir Road, Stirling

We thought that this is an excellent project for children in Stirlingshire. The building is very roomy with plenty circulation space and it is also good utilisation of a brownfield site.
There were about a dozen access points which we highlighted ranging from the reception area, toilets and café which could be improved.
Potentially noise was a factor in the play and canteen areas and the developer was advised to consider fitting sound absorption treatment to make areas acoustically comfortable in a managed way. This would minimise the noise and reverberation, which cause difficulty for children with deafness and other neurodivergent conditions making them more sensitive to sound.
Acoustic treatment would make the space more inclusive. If not possible to do throughout the facility, acoustic booth seating could be included or quiet zones created to provide relief from noise and reverberation for those who need it.
The developer gave a very detailed response to the access issues which he understands, but we are not sure if he is keen to implement acoustic dampening beyond sensory rooms.