Old railway line from Doune to Callander

SAAP attended a February meeting with three members from Sustrans on an off-road active travel route (old railway line) from Doune to Burn of Cambus and eventually Callander.
This is the first phase of a circa 3 mile, £4m project funded by Sustrans. We strongly lobbied for the following key points:
To use an inclusive description like ‘active travel route’ and remove “cycle route” or ‘wheeling’ – per ‘Access for all’ in the 2005 Land Reform Act / Equality Act 2010.
At the start of the route, there should be toilet facilities indicated. (otherwise people will use the route as an open toilet)
Car parking should be provided as most people will go there by car and Doune doesn’t have enough car parking for visitors
We also put forward a string of questions that we feel need answered:
How can this route be developed into a commuter route?
What profile does the path take? It should ideally be concave.
How are they going to stop speeding electric bikes and electric scooters which can travel at 15mph?
Will there be signs showing Do’s and Don’ts for users, e.g., ring your bell as you approach walkers?
Seating and picnic areas?
Waste Bins and Dog waste bins?
Dementia friendly signage?
We requested in writing that the meeting be minuted but as yet have not received meeting notes or minutes.